This on-line/mobile manual should be used in conjunction with attending classes. It should not serve as a substitute for class. For access to the rest of this Manual you will need a User ID/Password. Please inform your instructor that you desire access. He/she will contact the On Line Manual Administrator who will inform you of your access information.
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Through all the years with the Philadelphia School of Korean Karate, there are many people who have helped me become a better student and teacher, and I thank them all.
The first printing in 1997 of The Philadelphia School of Korean Karate History/Curriculum/Requirements was a labor of love and several people deserve special thanks. Sal and Lisa Guerriero who unselfishly shot all the photos, helped edit the text and donated 500 books to the PSKK.
Thanks to Peter Howe for transcribing the text from paper to a new format to produce a CD version. Thank you to Amy Erickson for her production assistance and constant support.
Now with the assistance of Sal Guerriero, this manual has been updated with new photos and text. It has been set up to work on a variety of web browsers, as well as Mobile and Tablet devices.
Special thanks to my best friends and partners Walter and Andrea Buechner, the master teachers, my partner of 40 plus years, Betsy Sciscione for her patience and acceptance of my travel and study, and Grandmaster Richard Sand for his vision, creativity and reminder that learning is infinite.